North Kitsap Puget Sound Anglers (NKPSA) will restore Salmon through outreach, restoration, and research.
Some of the Earth's greatest resources are threatened by habitat loss, pollution, and overfishing. We aim to improve and create Salmon runs, but we cannot achieve our goals alone. You can join us in creating this Legacy.
All photography provided by NKPSA
Since 2016, we have led the effort to grow and release Chum Salmon fry into Hood Canal. We do this by installing RSI egg boxes restoring Salmon in North Kitsap creeks and streams to attain sustainability. We have started the journey to create a Legacy for the future of Salmon.
NKPSA Mission
"The purpose of the North Kitsap Chapter of the Puget Sound Anglers shall be to preserve, protect, and enhance the opportunities for sport fishing through educational, scientific, governmental and other activities consistent with the preservation and enhancement of fishery resources."
What We've Achieved
All necessary permits to build a foundation of progress moving forward.
Created a network of volunteers to support ongoing efforts.
At Hawks Hole creek release of total approximately14,000 Chum eggs since project inception(2019) with egg hatch rate survival of above 97%.
Develop 2023 Activity based Budget for Legacy Project
Continue work with Mid-sound fisheries for restoration at Rose Point. Once restoration is complete, work with WDFW to implement plan to plant Coho in the creek.
Grow donations to increase the number of Stream Restoration projects in North Kitsap County.
Develop a list of funding activities that will support Annual Legacy Budget
Implement funding activities
Identify other North Kitsap streams for future restoration projects.
Conduct site visit at Paradise Point to determine stream restoration potential
Continue to recruit volunteers to train and form Stream Survey Teams.
Provide a list of recommended speakers to the Board for monthly members meetings that are Salmon education oriented
Continue awareness through public education.
What We've Achieved
All necessary permits to build a foundation of progress moving forward.
Created a network of volunteers to support ongoing efforts.
At Hawks Hole creek released 4000 Chum eggs with 97%(2017 and 2018) 95% hatch rate.
Continue to recruit volunteers.
Identify more locations for RSI (Remote Site Incubator) egg boxes.
Grow donations to increase the number of fish released.
Continue awareness through public education.