North Kitsap Puget Sound Anglers (NKPSA) is focused on creating a community of anglers and friends.


Over the last 16 years our club has continued to grow! Every month our members get together to share their experiences and insights, tools and techniques. It is a time for our members to connect and learn from one another. Network and meet other anglers, establish friendships and fishing partners! Our monthly meetings include presentations by guest speakers sharing special fishing trips or events to education on sustainability and the ecosystems. Other benefits of joining include; fishing reports, club derbies, participating in our sustainability efforts, and community events. Come participate, share and experience the fun.

In August 2022, Tony Witek, Director of our Legacy Project and NKPSA were awarded the WDFW 2022 Collaborator of the Year, for our work in collaborating with WDFW, local tribes, landowners, and others to restore fish habitat and work to restore fish runs in North Kitsap!

All photography provided by NKPSA


About our club

Find out about our organization, mission, our methods, and the results of our advocacy.

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Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our Legacy through volunteering, advocacy and donating.

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